
expect open class AstroPlayer(nativeMediaPlayer: NativeMediaPLayer)

The main class for controlling media playback.

AstroPlayer provides a set of methods for playing, pausing, seeking, and managing media items in a playlist.



An implementation of the underlying native media player that AstroPlayer delegates playback functionality to. The specific type of NativeMediaPLayer will vary depending on the platform and the AstroPlayer implementation.

actual open class AstroPlayer
actual open class AstroPlayer

The main class for controlling media playback.

AstroPlayer provides a set of methods for playing, pausing, seeking, and managing media items in a playlist.



An implementation of the underlying native media player that AstroPlayer delegates playback functionality to. The specific type of NativeMediaPLayer will vary depending on the platform and the AstroPlayer implementation.


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expect constructor(nativeMediaPlayer: NativeMediaPLayer)

Creates a new AstroPlayer instance.


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expect object Companion
actual object Companion
actual object Companion


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expect open val contentDuration: Long

Gets the duration of the current media item in milliseconds.

actual open val contentDuration: Long
actual open val contentDuration: Long

Gets the duration of the current media item in milliseconds.

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Gets the current equalizer values, or null if the equalizer is not enabled or not supported.

Gets the current equalizer values, or null if the equalizer is not enabled or not supported.

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Gets the currently playing media item, or null if no media item is playing.

Gets the currently playing media item, or null if no media item is playing.

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expect open val currentMediaItemIndex: Int

Gets the index of the currently playing media item in the playlist, or -1 if no media item is playing.

actual open val currentMediaItemIndex: Int
actual open val currentMediaItemIndex: Int

Gets the index of the currently playing media item in the playlist, or -1 if no media item is playing.

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The metadata associated with the currently playing media item, or null if no item is playing or the item has no metadata.

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expect open val currentPosition: Long

Gets the current playback position in milliseconds.

actual open val currentPosition: Long
actual open val currentPosition: Long

Gets the current playback position in milliseconds.

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Indicates whether there's a next media item available in the playlist after the current one.

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Indicates whether there's a previous media item available in the playlist before the current one.

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Gets or sets whether the equalizer is enabled.

Gets or sets whether the equalizer is enabled.

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expect open val isMuted: Boolean

Indicates whether the player is muted.

actual open val isMuted: Boolean
actual open val isMuted: Boolean

Indicates whether the player is muted.

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expect open val isPaused: Boolean

Indicates whether the player is currently paused.

actual open val isPaused: Boolean
actual open val isPaused: Boolean

Indicates whether the player is currently paused.

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expect open val isPlaying: Boolean

Indicates whether the player is currently playing media.

actual open val isPlaying: Boolean
actual open val isPlaying: Boolean

Indicates whether the player is currently playing media.

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Gets or sets whether smart equalizer is enabled. When enabled, the player will attempt to apply an equalizer configuration based on the current media item's equalizer ID and the following logic:

Gets or sets whether smart equalizer is enabled. When enabled, the player will attempt to apply an equalizer configuration based on the current media item's equalizer ID and the following logic:

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expect open val mediaItemCount: Int

Gets the total number of media items in the playlist.

actual open val mediaItemCount: Int
actual open val mediaItemCount: Int

Gets the total number of media items in the playlist.

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expect open var playBackSpeed: Float

Gets or sets the playback speed. Values greater than 1.0 indicate faster playback, while values less than 1.0 indicate slower playback.

actual open var playBackSpeed: Float
actual open var playBackSpeed: Float

Gets or sets the playback speed. Values greater than 1.0 indicate faster playback, while values less than 1.0 indicate slower playback.

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expect open var repeatMode: RepeatMode

The current repeat mode of the player.

actual open var repeatMode: RepeatMode
actual open var repeatMode: RepeatMode

The current repeat mode of the player.

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expect open val seekBackIncrement: Long

The default seek backward increment in milliseconds.

actual open val seekBackIncrement: Long = 5000
actual open val seekBackIncrement: Long = 5000

The default seek backward increment in milliseconds.

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expect open val seekForwardIncrement: Long

The default seek forward increment in milliseconds.

actual open val seekForwardIncrement: Long = 5000
actual open val seekForwardIncrement: Long = 5000

The default seek forward increment in milliseconds.

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expect open var shuffleModeEnabled: Boolean

Indicates whether shuffle mode is enabled.

actual open var shuffleModeEnabled: Boolean
actual open var shuffleModeEnabled: Boolean

Indicates whether shuffle mode is enabled.

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An optional callback function that allows you to provide custom equalizer values for specific equalizer preset IDs. This property is used for smart equalizers, where the player can dynamically adjust the sound based on the selected preset.

An optional callback function that allows you to provide custom equalizer values for specific equalizer preset IDs. This property is used for smart equalizers, where the player can dynamically adjust the sound based on the selected preset.

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expect open val volume: Float

Gets the current volume level of the player. The value ranges from 0.0 (silent) to 1.0 (maximum volume).

actual open val volume: Float
actual open val volume: Float

Gets the current volume level of the player. The value ranges from 0.0 (silent) to 1.0 (maximum volume).


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Registers a listener to receive notifications about playback and media state changes in AstroPlayer.

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expect open fun addMediaItem(item: AstroMediaItem)

Adds a media item to the playlist.

expect open fun addMediaItem(index: Int, item: AstroMediaItem)

Inserts a media item at a specific index in the playlist.

actual open fun addMediaItem(item: AstroMediaItem)
actual open fun addMediaItem(index: Int, item: AstroMediaItem)
actual open fun addMediaItem(item: AstroMediaItem)

Adds a media item to the playlist.

actual open fun addMediaItem(index: Int, item: AstroMediaItem)

Inserts a media item at a specific index in the playlist.

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expect open fun addMediaItems(items: List<AstroMediaItem>)

Adds a list of media items to the end of the playlist.

expect open fun addMediaItems(index: Int, items: List<AstroMediaItem>)

Inserts a list of media items at a specific index in the playlist.

actual open fun addMediaItems(items: List<AstroMediaItem>)
actual open fun addMediaItems(index: Int, items: List<AstroMediaItem>)
actual open fun addMediaItems(items: List<AstroMediaItem>)

Adds a list of media items to the end of the playlist.

actual open fun addMediaItems(index: Int, items: List<AstroMediaItem>)

Inserts a list of media items at a specific index in the playlist.

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expect open fun allMediaItems(): List<AstroMediaItem>

Returns a list containing all media items in the playlist.

actual open fun allMediaItems(): List<AstroMediaItem>
actual open fun allMediaItems(): List<AstroMediaItem>

Returns a list containing all media items in the playlist.

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expect open fun clearMediaItems()

Removes all media items from the playlist.

actual open fun clearMediaItems()
actual open fun clearMediaItems()

Removes all media items from the playlist.

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Clears the current playlist and then adds a single media item.

Clears the current playlist and then adds a single media item at a specific index.

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Clears the current playlist and then adds a collection of media items.

Clears the current playlist and then adds a collection of media items at a specific index.

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expect open fun decreaseVolume()

Decreases the player volume.

actual open fun decreaseVolume()
actual open fun decreaseVolume()

Decreases the player volume.

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expect open fun decreaseVolumeBy(offset: Float)

Decreases the player volume by a specified offset.

actual open fun decreaseVolumeBy(offset: Float)
actual open fun decreaseVolumeBy(offset: Float)

Decreases the player volume by a specified offset.

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expect open fun increaseVolume()

Increases the player volume.

actual open fun increaseVolume()
actual open fun increaseVolume()

Increases the player volume.

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expect open fun increaseVolumeBy(offset: Float)

Increases the player volume by a specified offset.

actual open fun increaseVolumeBy(offset: Float)
actual open fun increaseVolumeBy(offset: Float)

Increases the player volume by a specified offset.

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expect open fun <T> mapMediaItems(transform: (AstroMediaItem) -> T): List<T>

Applies a transformation function to each media item in the playlist and returns a list of the transformed results.

actual open fun <T> mapMediaItems(transform: (AstroMediaItem) -> T): List<T>
actual open fun <T> mapMediaItems(transform: (AstroMediaItem) -> T): List<T>

Applies a transformation function to each media item in the playlist and returns a list of the transformed results.

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expect open fun moveMediaItem(currentIndex: Int, newIndex: Int)

Moves a media item from one index to another in the playlist.

actual open fun moveMediaItem(currentIndex: Int, newIndex: Int)
actual open fun moveMediaItem(currentIndex: Int, newIndex: Int)

Moves a media item from one index to another in the playlist.

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expect open fun moveMediaItems(fromIndex: Int, toIndex: Int, newIndex: Int)

Moves a range of media items from one index to another in the playlist.

actual open fun moveMediaItems(fromIndex: Int, toIndex: Int, newIndex: Int)
actual open fun moveMediaItems(fromIndex: Int, toIndex: Int, newIndex: Int)

Moves a range of media items from one index to another in the playlist.

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expect open fun mute()

Mutes the player.

actual open fun mute()
actual open fun mute()

Mutes the player.

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expect open fun pause()

Pauses playback of the current media item.

actual open fun pause()
actual open fun pause()

Pauses playback of the current media item.

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expect open fun play()

Starts playback of the current media item.

actual open fun play()
actual open fun play()

Starts playback of the current media item.

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expect open fun prepare()

Prepares the player for playback. This might involve buffering the media stream.

actual open fun prepare()
actual open fun prepare()

Prepares the player for playback. This might involve buffering the media stream.

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expect open fun release()

Releases the player resources. This should be called when the player is no longer needed.

actual open fun release()
actual open fun release()

Releases the player resources. This should be called when the player is no longer needed.

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Unregisters a previously registered listener from receiving notifications from AstroPlayer.

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expect open fun removeMediaItem(index: Int)

Removes a media item from the playlist by its index.

actual open fun removeMediaItem(index: Int)
actual open fun removeMediaItem(index: Int)

Removes a media item from the playlist by its index.

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expect open fun removeMediaItems(fromIndex: Int, toIndex: Int)

Removes a range of media items from the playlist.

actual open fun removeMediaItems(fromIndex: Int, toIndex: Int)
actual open fun removeMediaItems(fromIndex: Int, toIndex: Int)

Removes a range of media items from the playlist.

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expect open fun replaceMediaItem(index: Int, mediaItem: AstroMediaItem)

Replaces a media item at a specific index in the playlist.

actual open fun replaceMediaItem(index: Int, mediaItem: AstroMediaItem)
actual open fun replaceMediaItem(index: Int, mediaItem: AstroMediaItem)

Replaces a media item at a specific index in the playlist.

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expect open fun replaceMediaItems(fromIndex: Int, toIndex: Int, mediaItems: List<AstroMediaItem>)

Replaces a range of media items in the playlist with a new list of media items.

actual open fun replaceMediaItems(fromIndex: Int, toIndex: Int, mediaItems: List<AstroMediaItem>)
actual open fun replaceMediaItems(fromIndex: Int, toIndex: Int, mediaItems: List<AstroMediaItem>)

Replaces a range of media items in the playlist with a new list of media items.

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fun AstroPlayer.seekBackwardBy(milliseconds: Long)

Seeks the playback position backward by the specified number of milliseconds.

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Seeks the playback position backward by the default seek backward increment.

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fun AstroPlayer.seekForwardBy(milliseconds: Long)

Seeks the playback position forward by the specified number of milliseconds.

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Seeks the playback position forward by the default seek forward increment.

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expect open fun seekTo(milliseconds: Long)

Seeks to a specific position in the current media item in milliseconds.

actual open fun seekTo(milliseconds: Long)
actual open fun seekTo(milliseconds: Long)

Seeks to a specific position in the current media item in milliseconds.

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Seeks the playback position to the end of the current media item.

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expect open fun seekToMediaItem(index: Int)

Selects a media item from the playlist by its index.

actual open fun seekToMediaItem(index: Int)
actual open fun seekToMediaItem(index: Int)

Selects a media item from the playlist by its index.

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fun AstroPlayer.seekToMediaItemThenAt(index: Int, milliseconds: Long)

Seeks to a specific media item and then sets the playback position within that item.

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Seeks to the next media item in the playlist, if available.

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Seeks to the previous media item in the playlist, if available.

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Seeks the playback position to the beginning of the current media item.

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expect open fun unMute()

Unmutes the player.

actual open fun unMute()
actual open fun unMute()

Unmutes the player.