
interface AstroListener

Interface representing a listener for events related to playback and media state changes in AstroPlayer.


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Called when the current equalizer values have changed.

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Called when the currently playing media item has changed. The new media item might be null if playback has stopped.

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open fun onEqualizerEnabledChanged(isEqualizerEnabled: Boolean)

Called when the overall equalizer state (enabled/disabled) has changed.

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Called when the media player starts buffering data before playback.

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open fun onMuteStateChanged(isMuted: Boolean)

Called when the mute state of playback has changed.

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open fun onPlaybackError(exception: Exception)

Called when a general playback error occurs during playback.

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open fun onPlaybackPaused()

Called when playback has been paused.

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open fun onPlaybackSpeedChanged(speed: Float)

Called when the playback speed has changed.

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Called when playback has started.

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open fun onRepeatModeChanged(repeatMode: RepeatMode)

Called when the repeat mode for playback has changed.

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open fun onSeekBackward()

Called when the playback position is being moved backward (seeking backward).

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open fun onSeekForward()

Called when the playback position is being moved forward (seeking forward).

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Called when the playback position is seeked to the next media item in the playlist (if applicable).

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Called when the playback position is seeked to the previous media item in the playlist (if applicable).

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open fun onShuffleModeChanged(shuffleModeEnabled: Boolean)

Called when the shuffle mode for playback has changed.

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open fun onSmartEqualizerEnabledChanged(isSmartEqualizerEnabled: Boolean)

Called when the smart equalizer state (enabled/disabled) has changed. Smart equalizer might be a specific type of equalization that applies automatic adjustments.

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open fun onVolumeChanged(volume: Float)

Called when the playback volume has changed.