Package-level declarations


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class AstroPlayerState(astroPlayer: AstroPlayer)

A class that represents the mutable state of an AstroPlayer instance for use with Jetpack Compose.

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fun NextMediaItemButton(astroPlayerState: AstroPlayerState, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, onClick: () -> Unit = { astroPlayerState.astroPlayer.seekToNextMediaItem() }, imageVector: ImageVector = Icons.Outlined.SkipNext, contentDescription: String = "Seek to next MediaItem", enabled: Boolean = true, colors: IconButtonColors = IconButtonDefaults.iconButtonColors(), interactionSource: MutableInteractionSource = remember { MutableInteractionSource() })

A composable function that renders a button to seek to the next media item in a player.

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fun PauseButton(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, onClick: () -> Unit, imageVector: ImageVector = Icons.Outlined.Pause, contentDescription: String = "Current Song is Paused", enabled: Boolean = true, colors: IconButtonColors = IconButtonDefaults.iconButtonColors(), interactionSource: MutableInteractionSource = remember { MutableInteractionSource() })

A composable function that renders a Pause button with customizable appearance and behavior.

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fun PlayButton(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, onClick: () -> Unit, imageVector: ImageVector = Icons.Filled.PlayArrow, contentDescription: String = "Current Song is Playing", enabled: Boolean = true, colors: IconButtonColors = IconButtonDefaults.iconButtonColors(), interactionSource: MutableInteractionSource = remember { MutableInteractionSource() })

A composable function that renders a Play button with customizable appearance and behavior.

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fun PreviousMediaItemButton(astroPlayerState: AstroPlayerState, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, onClick: () -> Unit = { astroPlayerState.astroPlayer.seekToPreviousMediaItem() }, imageVector: ImageVector = Icons.Outlined.SkipPrevious, contentDescription: String = "Seek to previous MediaItem", enabled: Boolean = true, colors: IconButtonColors = IconButtonDefaults.iconButtonColors(), interactionSource: MutableInteractionSource = remember { MutableInteractionSource() })

A composable function that renders a button to seek to the previous media item in a player.

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This Jetpack Compose function creates and remembers an AstroPlayerState object associated with the provided AstroPlayer instance.